Patron Services is the heart of the Folio Box Office Software. Building a comprehensive database of patrons and their activities will give you the ability to provide new sales opportunities and market to them in new and exciting ways.
Can’t find a patron? Name misspelled? Folio lets you do look ups by address, phone, company, reference number besides name, ID, and second patron. You can also do patron history look ups directly from the Ticket Sales screen, and use patron reports to sort and select patron information in multiple ways.
Besides tracking names and addresses, the patron screen also tracks a second address and second patron. The Second Address feature is great for snowbirds and patrons with seasonal homes. It will assure you that mailing and promotions will get to the recipient on time. You can even set which months the second address applies. Even more useful is the second patron feature.
Link two names to a single patron record with the Second Name feature. Track spouses and partners at the same address. Save on postage costs by eliminating duplicate addresses while still having the benefit of tracking multiple patrons at a given address. The patron history can be queried using either name.
Do you have duplicate patrons in your file? Folio can can automatically clean the file and purge the duplicates. It can also merge patrons from other databases and files, merging the duplicate records as it goes.
At the heart of the system are the Patron tracking options. While patron history (the detail of purchases) may be archived, the tracking info remains a permament part of the patron record.
Need more Information? The best way to find out more about Folio is to experience it yourself. Fill out our request form and we will quickly ship out a demo of the software.